Third vice-president to be nominated, elected at next Rep Council

Dear 87-M members, 

Melissa Andrews, 3rd Vice-President of the Local, has accepted a new position at the Toronto Star that takes her out of her bargaining unit. Along with her Executive Committee duties, Melissa was a long-time union representative at the Star, including serving as Star unit chair. We’re sad to lose such an excellent leader and union activist and wish her every success in her new role.

Our bylaws stipulate that a vacant Local Officer post shall be filled at the next Representative Council meeting. The elected Officer will serve as the Executive Committee’s 3rd Vice-President for the remainder of the current term of office, which ends March 31, 2020.

 Rep Council meets next at:

 11 a.m.

November 20, 2019

87-M Local Office

91 Skyway Ave., Unit 106

Etobicoke, ON, M9W 6R5

Election rules require that you be nominated in person at the Nov. 20 Rep Council meeting. Once nominated, you must either confirm your willingness to stand for the position in person or provide the Elections Committee a proxy note stating that you are willing to stand for the 3rd Vice-President position if nominated. You may email a proxy note to me at

The Local’s bylaws are available online at

2020 Unit Elections 

Our bylaws require each unit in the Local to hold a meeting in January to elect its new unit executive. Unit chairs, please schedule your January meeting and contact office administrator Milton Catita with the details. He can be reached at (416) 461-2461 ext. 7 or at Milton will be following up with each unit to ensure the bylaw dates are met and to assist with arrangements if necessary.

In solidarity,

Paul Morse



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